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1 h 30 Minutes. Director - Gille Klabin. genre - Sci-Fi. synopsis - The Wave is a movie starring Justin Long, Tommy Flanagan, and Katia Winter. Frank, an opportunistic insurance lawyer, thinks he's in for the time of his life when he goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his. Star - Donald Faison. Falalalala christmas song. I like that voice XD. Falaise pocket. Fala que eu te escuto.
'After' and 'Countdown' brought me here. Fala angola de ontem. YouTube. סרט מדהים! ראינו אותו בכיתה לזכר יום השואה. סרט יפה וחינוכי ביותר. This song is soooo beautiful omg i've became a fan of apink after attending their concert one year ago. got to say these ladies are really inspirational, one of the most admirable girl groups! apink fighting. Something went wrong, but dont fret — lets give it another shot. Oh goodness, check out those early 80's Valley haircuts. Nice and feathered. That proves how well we are programmed to obey. Parents tell us to obey, teachers tell us, our boss tell us. Is just a matter of time and repetition. OBEY. This is a lesson for all, never take drugs from the man who wear girl hairy coat... Falafel drive-in san jose. 72 hour trial 1. 50 USD. 30 day sub 5 USD. We only offer 125+ USA channels nothing else. We value quality over quantity. M3U now with 2 connections standard. We offer discord and ticket support. Signup Please no pm or chat requests Activation takes 1-12 hours. "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. Frank Zappa.
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The music in the trailer is the same in the intro for Hitler's Empire: The Post-War Plan.
Also in Canada and I did the same thing today! Saw on the forums that some Wal-Mart's put siege stuff on clearance. Picked up a Megatron, Hound and SixGun for 53. Had to exercise my restraint and not grab Spinister and Crosshairs also. I didn't physically go to all the Wal-Mart's near me, but it it appears only some have clearance prices. I used a website to figure out which ones had clearance pricing. I need to preface this by saying that the stock on this website is often NOT correct. Do NOT look at the stock it says and get your hopes up that something will be there. It may track batches instead of individual toys. I do not know. will show you the pricing at nearby wal-marts (or other stores) for specific products. One odd thing I found is that one store near me had voyager figures at 19 clearance, while another one had voyager at 24 clearance.
Falafel bread crossword. At 10:33, hes like Shouldn't they have made more knobs on the thing. 벌써6년차 빠르다. Falafel. Fala angola tv zimbo. Fala zbrodni. Alongside the loss of lives, the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami wiped out a long-time separatist conflict in Aceh. Ten years on, Michael Bachelard finds renewed tensions in the Indonesian province. First, the earthquake struck. Roads buckled and houses cracked. Two explosions rent the air and thousands of voices cried out in fear. Then the waves swelled up from the sea and scoured Aceh's west coast with water, bringing debris and death. But it's not the memory of noise that keeps fisherman Andi Yusuf awake at night when he thinks of the tsunami 10 years ago - it's the silence that followed. A diorama recreates the horror of 2004 at Aceh's Tsunami museum. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti Yusuf was asleep when the earth started shaking at 7. 59am on Sunday, December 26, 2004. Informed by half-remembered family lore about earthquakes and killer waves, this fisherman from Aceh's coastal village of Calang fled to higher ground with his wife, baby and young child. Clinging with grim determination to a hillside durian tree, his wife fainting from shock, Yusuf watched as some of his neighbours ran away from the beach while others ran towards it, looking for open ground. The tsunami's towering, 30-metre second wave consumed them all, coming or going. "Before the water came, I heard people panicking, shouting, screaming. They looked like chickens. Yusuf recalls, his fisherman's eyes, which are habituated to the horizon, turning inwards and to the past. "I saw the roof of the school flying into the air, big timber floating. But after the second wave, the big one, I heard nothing. Not a single voice. Silence. A hilltop settlement of recently built houses in Lhok Kruet is mostly abandoned, as they have no running water. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti Into this silence, an estimated 167, 000 voices fell in Aceh alone. Hearing Yusuf speak, it's amazing not that so many died, but that any survived. He saved his wife and children, but lost perhaps 50 members of his extended family. In Sri Lanka, 35, 000 were killed; in India, 18, 000. Thailand lost more than 8000 including 24 of the 26 Australians who died. Globally, 230, 000 people lost their lives and perhaps 1. 7 million were displaced. This was a freak geological event: a "mega thrust" earthquake measuring up to 9. 3 on the Richter scale that pushed a 1600-kilometre stretch of the Indian Ocean 15 metres higher. The resultant wave - the biggest tsunami in history - reshaped 800 kilometres of the Indonesian province's western coastline, penetrating three to six kilometres inland. More than 120, 000 houses were flattened, 500, 000 left homeless, the road system obliterated. Administrative data - birth and death records, property ownership details - were destroyed and public servants killed or incapacitated by grief. The rebuilding of western Aceh started from scratch. But the tsunami was not just a physical event, it was also a profound political event - the single most important spur to ending a 30-year civil war between the Indonesian government and the separatist Free Aceh Movement (known as GAM for its Indonesian initials. Tsunami survivor Andi Yusuf. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti It's easy, in the tsunami's awesome wake, to diminish the conflict that predated it. But ordinary people do not forget the separatist era's disappearances, the random killings, the relatives dead in the street. Calang villager Rosmalia remembers constant fear. "You heard shootings in the nearby town. You heard stories that people were killed by the security apparatus - shot from head to toe by bullets so that their body just split in half. she says. "In 2004, after 30 years of conflict, there was no development in Aceh: schools were being burned down, the social fabric was in pieces. says Heru Prasetyo, the former deputy head of the Indonesian tsunami reconstruction authority. "The only thing that was safe was the forest, because the rebels lived there and nobody was brave enough to go in and cut down trees. This mosque, 20 kilometres from Acehs capital Banda Aceh, was the only building left in the area after the tsunami. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti In his view, nature did Aceh a favour. "Aceh was like a person who was almost dead from a heart attack. The tsunami was a jolt that brought it back to life. Asked about Prasetyo's analogy, Rosmalia barely pauses before agreeing: The trauma of the conflict was worse than the tsunami. Lhok Nga school students practice a tsunami drill. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti The size of the disaster was incomprehensible, the global response unprecedented. A 2008 Brookings Institution paper estimated the total damage to Aceh at US4. 45 billion. In response, the international community pledged US7. 7 billion. Two-thirds of that was spent in just three years by 463 organisations across 2200 projects. Remote Meulaboh had, at one point, 20 surgeons in field hospitals. The aid was "like a second tsunami" says Prasetyo. "Catholic relief worked with Muslim aid and non-government organisations (NGOs) from Israel were working in the land of sharia, and working effectively. It was like the John Lennon song Imagine: no religion, no country. It was so powerful. In 2004, the wave killed all but 90 of the school's 400 students. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti Huge international organisations, including the World Bank, USAID, the United Nations Development Programme and Australia's AusAID, co-operated with a quickly formed Indonesian agency, the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency, under a straight-talking former minister, Kuntoro Mangkusubroto. Australia contributed 600 million - more than half of it donated by the public. Our money trained people and built capacity in education and health, livelihoods, infrastructure and the public service. Mangkusubroto's reconstruction authority stands as a "remarkable success" according to Australian National University academic Ed Aspinall. "It's a landmark in Indonesia's modern political economy about how to run a large development or construction endeavour in a way that significantly avoids or minimises corruption. But it was never going to be perfect. The first priority was housing: 140, 000 houses were eventually required, and agencies were under pressure to spend their funds quickly to satisfy donors and watchful journalists. In the northern suburbs of Aceh's capital, Banda Aceh, lies a beachside community called Lhok Nga. Here, the mountains funnelled the wave into a torrent which wiped away everything but the mosque. Not long after, though, it had regrown like a simulacrum of a 1950s suburb: identical, box-like, 36-square-metre rendered concrete houses standing in symmetrical rows. Many now stand empty. "They are empty because for most of them only the children are left: the parents are dead. They were only small [when the wave hit] so they live with extended family. says Umran Amril, smoking a quiet afternoon cigarette in a Lhok Nga cafe. Some are rented out, but the Acehnese attachment to land means few want to sell: We wanted it rebuilt because the land belongs to our great-grandparents. Amril says. "We won't sell for same reason. It's a similar story all down the tsunami-devastated western coast. In Lhok Kruet, about 30 minutes from hard-hit Calang, Canadian money built a settlement of 250 houses atop a hill, at the request of local fishermen. They are certainly high enough to survive any future tsunami, but only 28 are now occupied. The fishermen changed their minds when they realised there was no running water and, until recently, no electricity. In Calang, itself, Yusuf takes shelter from the heat of the day in a rubbish-strewn village harbour. He's unwinding old nylon ropes, preserving the individual strings to re-weave into nets. Nearby is a concrete pier, an office building, a small market area and a petrol station, all built (and decorated with maritime themes) by international donors. All now are abandoned. The pier, Yusuf says, splashes back waves which swamp their boats, so locals built a replacement from wood. The market has none of the equipment they need and there's no toilet or other facilities in the office building, so people won't work there. Salt, wind and rain are now picking these buildings apart as surely as Yusuf dismembers old ropes. Two large boats are keeled over in the shallows and also decaying. They were donated but never used - too light, too dangerous, he says. "There was a lot of assistance but they came rushing to help; they didn't ask what we need. He also has a more fundamental complaint, this one against the local government authorities. He's one of 25 local victims who missed out on the new houses, while some "who are not native to this area - civil servants from [East coast province] Bireuën - got them. This blatant misallocation "is very much about corruption" he says. Corruption is baked into politics in Indonesia, and Aceh probably never stood a chance of avoiding it. After the wave, peace came surprisingly quickly. An informal, though shaky ceasefire in the last days of 2004 was followed by talks endorsed by then-president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who had only been in office for two months when the tsunami hit. He had little choice: donors, aid agencies and journalists were prising open a previously airtight state in their rush to oversee the recovery. Continuing a war, or even the prevailing state of martial law, was untenable, though hard-liners on both sides tried. In August, 2005, in Helsinki, Finland, the two sides ended 30 years of brutality by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. Suddenly, about 30, 000 armed and largely uneducated former separatist rebels were demobbed. Hardened by combat and accustomed to collecting money using extortion justified locally as "war taxes" many found it hard to mend their ways. The rampant inflation that came with an influx of foreign funds to Aceh was accelerated by these former GAM rebels - now rebadged as the Aceh Transitional Committee, or KPA. taxing" the reconstruction. Even USAID's landmark project, a silk-smooth western highway, was subject to "epic blackmail" one former consultant recalls, to the extent that the project director publicly threatened to cancel it. "The extortion attempts on NGO projects in Aceh followed a familiar pattern. wrote aid worker Bobby Anderson in 2013. "Persons claiming KPA affiliation would make demands to field staff for protection fees or material, often vehicles. The threats often implied the arson of vehicles and the killing of staff. Numerous projects were shut down due to this. Come election time, though, the former rebels, with their history of resistance and bullish sub-national pride, won overwhelming support. Former combatant Irwandi Yusuf became Aceh's governor in 2006. More educated than most of his compadres, he surprised observers and won wide international support as a pro-environment leader wanting to build an outward-looking economy by taking advantage of global carbon funding to preserve the province's forests. Aceh is the last place on earth where tigers, orangutans, elephants and rhinos still live together. After a bitter internal GAM power struggle, though, Irwandi lost the governorship at the 2012 election to an old-generation combatant, Partei Aceh's Zaini Abdullah. Thirteen people were murdered during the campaign. To this day, government loyalists in Aceh are accused of standover tactics, extortion and corruption, particularly involving construction projects. Aid worker and activist Muslahuddin Daud sees the ex-combatants as trying to preserve the "war psychology" that got them into power: If you build a house, they'll say, The sand should be from me, or we'll blow up your car, " he says. Since Abdullah's election, almost all international NGOs have left. Some, no doubt, believe Aceh no longer needs their help. The Indonesian government's own reconstruction authority was disbanded in 2009, and under a "special autonomy" arrangement, Aceh qualifies for generous central government funding. but former governor Irwandi told Good Weekend that they'd also been put off by Abdullah's decision to "win the 2012 election by force. And the forests - preserved for so many years as redoubts of the rebels - are now under threat from a proposed spatial plan which would allow massive industrial development. The worst outcome, Muslahuddin says, has been the government's administrative failures. Nine years after the peace deal was signed, negotiators for the Aceh and central governments have still not agreed on implementing laws for power sharing, oil and gas revenue and land ownership. This leads, for foreign investors in the oil-rich province, to persistent uncertainty and, for some Acehnese nationalists, to the belief that Jakarta is denying them fulfilment of their rights. "If [the full Helsinki agreement] is not granted, of course we will take up arms again. a senior Partei Aceh election committee member told Good Weekend. "We could declare war any time. We could declare war tomorrow. Aceh's use of Islamic sharia law in the criminal code likewise deters foreigners. It was introduced by Jakarta in 2001 to try to buy the support of Aceh's devout religious leaders, but it only came to international prominence after the tsunami. According to the director of the Jakarta-based Institute of Policy Analysis of Conflict, Sidney Jones, among the foreign organisations that flooded into the province were Islamic hardline lobby groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir. Until their arrival, Aceh - long known as the "verandah of Mecca. was devout but also "very tolerant. Hardline Islamists succeeded recently in adding to long-standing bans on gambling, drinking and unmarried young people consorting. Now adultery and homosexuality are also criminal offences, subjecting to 100 lashes men who have anal sex with each other, and women who "rub together body parts for stimulation. A censorious approach to opposition also prevails. "Any organisation which criticises the government is said to be anti Islamic sharia. says Roslina Rasyid, the leader of a network of local NGOs in the north-eastern Aceh city of Lhokseumawe. People are deterred from raising examples of abuses, she says. "It's a real problem for Aceh now, and long-term, they have to deal with it if they want foreign investment and tourism. says Sidney Jones. Aceh desperately needs economic growth. About 18 per cent of the population is still in poverty and new political schisms, fuelled by poverty and thwarted hopes, are emerging among former combatants. "You wouldn't want to predict a regression to any full-scale separatist conflict, but on the other hand, you would have hoped that 10 years after the peace deal you'd have seen a stronger fading of that sense of resilient, resistant Aceh identity. the ANU's Aspinall says. "It bubbles away, but it's much closer to the surface than you'd expect. At Lhok Nga primary school in Banda Aceh's suburbs, where the wave killed all but 90 of its 400 students, the recovery is obvious in the numbers: 435 children are enrolled this year. Shifa Teskia's father died in the wave. Now 12, she says she wants to be a doctor. For today, she and her classmates are performing one of their regular tsunami drills - initiated by World Vision - and Shifa wears a sash proclaiming her a dokter kecil (small doctor. She's earnestly dabbing a pretend wound of pretend patient Mohammad Azri, 10, who in real life was orphaned as a baby by the wave. Their teacher, Laili Hafna, saved her own four children a decade ago by rushing to the local mosque. Her sister, husband and baby all perished. As she looked out at the devastation that day, Hafna says she truly believed she was watching the world end: I never thought I would be here today, that there would be life after all. Like many, though, Hafna now wonders if the tsunami, a bit like Noah's flood in the Bible, was Allah's way of saving them from what went before. "During the combat, we always lived in fear. she recalls. "Life was very difficult. we thank Allah that we can have this life now, and that it's a different life. Surely, though, it was a brutal price to pay? That is His mystery. she replies with a smile. Most Viewed in Lifestyle Loading.
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Level 1 I'm teaching graphs of Trigonometric Functions right now and will be showing this video to my class in about an hour. I'd love to hear the gist of the math used and how the waves are changed dynamically. level 2 Hey, I'm the programmer for Wavey: The wave is created as a representation of the player's current trajectory. The player moves along the y-axis using a sin function and the x-axis using a linear translation function. We can take the current values for the amplitude and frequency (fixed) of the sin wave and the speed of the translation and calculate where Wavey will be any amount of time into the future. We do this a whole bunch of times to plot his path and then use these vectors to draw a line to visualize the wave. level 2 It would be cool to come into week 2 of learning trigonometry, and the teacher loads up a game: level 1 Original Poster 12 points 2 days ago edited 2 days ago Even if it's too late for you to sign up, you can still do the challenge by yourself. That's what we did and it was the best decision we ever made. level 1 Looks very polished. Great work. level 1 Is this game available to download? If so Id love to play it, keep it up level 1 Neat, reminds me of Waveform lol level 2 Thanks, waveform was ace, we didn't actually know of it until about 6 months in, it's a totally different experience in many ways but conceptually similar. level 1 Looks great. Congratulations on sticking with your game for three years. I find it easy moving on to other projects and hard to keep working on the same thing for so long. I wish you all the best with your game and hope it is a success. level 1 Wow, looks great! Looks super polished, simple to understand gameplay, challenging and engaging, not a crazy scope. A lot of devs could learn a thing or two from this. Well done on finishing and getting it to such a polished state. Good luck on release, can't wait to give it a try! level 1 Looks very "Polished" wink wink; level 1 I see trig going on here and I'm shaking in fear. 0/10 do not like trig functions. game looks awesome though. 10/10 do like. level 1 That is some amazing game design. It looks so intense and hard, unlike the games these days! Its what we need, because otherwise there is no point in playing. Id totally play it! Great job 👍 level 2 Haha awesome thanks for the love! yeah that's what we are aiming for, a real challenge. level 1 Really nice! Looks like a great mobile game. Did you guys release it? level 2 Hey thanks! the game will be released later this year. Wavey is actually a pc/Steam release with planned launch on consoles. Whilst we toyed with the idea for mobile we wanted to make a fully-fledged game with cutscenes, 3d hub world and without limitations that mobile development brings. level 1 Wait. The background music's bass synth plays the note represented by the sinus of the spaceship? level 1 Soundtrack is dope. I'd love to get a soundcloud link if you've released it for free.
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Falaise. Falaise gap. Fala portugues in english. Fala fala christmas song. Falacias. In each decade that passes there are hundreds of talented rugby players taking the field but only a select few are considered great. I've been blessed to have had such a long rugby career where along the way I've had the opportunity to play alongside and coach some of Australia's greatest names. It has been a privilege to see some of these players up close and personal, and like everyone else, I am astounded by their ability to mesmerise and excite all those they are competing against and everyone watching from the stands. A master of the second touch … Mark Ella representing the Wallabies in July 1983. No one can take credit for the natural ability these great players possess although you can notice distinct similarities within this elite group that differentiates them from us tradesman-like players. Our attack coach at the Reds, Jim McKay, likes to refer to these elites as the ' wand-wavers' as they do their best work with the ball in two hands, weaving their magic to deceive the defence. Australia has been lucky to see its fair share of great playmakers and there are two running around at the moment in Quade Cooper and Kurtley Beale that I've had the chance of getting to know well. I've been spoilt to have coached both Kurtley and Quade and their abilities bring back memories of plenty of great No. 10s to have played our sport. Lloyd Walker was the first great playmaker I encountered. He was a Randwick inside-centre that who later moved to 10 that was both unlucky and privileged to be playing outside the great Mark Ella. He played Test rugby, albeit briefly, and was faster than many people thought. Lloyd was the first ' wand-waver' I ever came across as he had the ability to cast spells on the defence. He carried the ball to the line in two hands and was unstoppable with his sleight of hand. Mark Ella was the same era as Lloyd and had the same rugby pedigree and expression. I played one season with Mark and he had the wand as he played flat and hard at the line. The harder the defence came, the closer to it he played and the better his skills would work. Mark was also great at getting a second touch - passing and then getting the ball back in the same movement. It was a skill Kurtley showed against the Reds the other night and it brought back memories. Stephen Larkham was a very tall halfback who quickly transformed into a world-class fullback before finding a home at 10. His passing skills were brilliant - impeccable on both sides no matter what distance his target was at. He brought width into the game with his flat and precise passes hitting the mark on every occasion. Normally I am not a big fan of the cut-out pass, as the defence will arrive before the ball if it is thrown poorly. However the greats can throw the cut-out with ease with their dart-like passes hitting their teammates in space to create opportunities. Quade and Kurtley did this brilliantly the other night and it was a pleasure to watch. The great players are effortless with the ball but know how and when to pass, and even more importantly, can disguise the length of their pass to make it more effective. Such was the talent of Larkham that the Brumbies and Wallabies of his era had set-plays named about his ability to throw needle-type passes. Tactically, you can do a lot if you can accurately pass a ball but the good playmakers can also run. As much as their reputation was founded on their craft with the ball, they also had the ability to take on the line. Ella got four tries in the grand slam European tour of 1984 but his passing, second touches and ability to take on the line were also sublime. Larkham was another of the great runners while we saw Beale ghost through the other night and Quade set up the Adam Wallace-Harrison try by doing the same. In the end these guys loved their craft and applied their minds to the task. They all made it look easy and the harder and faster the opposition was, the better they play. This wasn't a surprise as while they had elite physical talents, they were also students of the game. They knew the cause and effect of actions and were able to communicate it phase-after-phase. Reds halfback Will Genia may not have a No. 10 on his back but is too a playmaker in his own right and has many similar skills. The ability to run, pass and deceive is not lost on him. It's also interesting that the great playmakers we remember generally forged great relationships with the men inside and outside of them. Playmakers need others to pass the ball to. Even the greats would have had little impact if not surrounded by the workers around them to give them options. You can wave the wand only so many times but there won't be any magic if no one is in support. Most Viewed in Sport Loading.
Id really love to buy this game as it seems to have everything I looked for. But, coming from a huge paradox interactive fan, the graphics are a big no no. This game looks worse than excel, and for 35 it just isnt worth it. So do you know if Rule the Waves 3 is in development and where I can find informations on it? Or, alternatively, where I could buy it a bit cheaper? Thank you. Q hermosa canción y que infravalorada está 💘🙁. Level 1 First time I tried Slaughterstar this happened to me level 1 Happened to me but my drone shocked him through the wall. Got lucky didnt have to retry but it took ages for him to die from just my drone. level 2 I tried to kill him with a drone, but it doesn't see him level 1 Happened my first time. Fucking flyer pathing is garbage. The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork. You name it! 3. 2k Playing The Slot Machines Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
Falafel recipes. Falafel tazah. Breakfast Menu Disney's Contemporary Resort, Magic Kingdom Resort Area Special and Unique Dining Meal Period - Opens menu Breakfast Buffet (Adults 25. 00 / Children 14. 00) Classic Breakfast Favorites Mickey Waffles, Sweet Potato Pancakes, Egg Benedict, Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh-cut Fruit, and Yogurt Parfaits Choice of Juice, Coffee, Tea, or Soft Drink Entrées Two-Eggs Cooked-to-Order with Breakfast Potatoes and choice of Bacon, Pork Sausage, or Chicken Sausage Two-poached Eggs atop an English Muffin with Canadian Bacon and Hollandaise Glazed Donut French Toast Salted Banana-Caramel and Chocolate-Hazelnut Whipped Cream with Spinach, Mushrooms, Poblano Peppers, Cheddar, and Pico de Gallo Wave Signature Sweet Potato Pancakes Served with Pecan-Honey Butter and choice of Bacon, Pork Sausage, or Chicken Sausage Choice of Ham, Bacon, Mushroom, Onion, Tomato, Cheese, or Spinach with Breakfast Potatoes Two-poached Eggs, Crab Cake with Hollandaise atop toasted English Muffins served with Breakfast Potatoes Avocado, Toasted Multigrain Bread, Caramelized Onion Jam, Watercress Salad Kids' Create-Your-Own Entrées (choose one) Egg White Omelet with Spinach and Tomatoes Served with choice of two (2) Selections and choice of Small Lowfat Milk, Small Dasani Water, or Small Minute Maid Apple Juice Oatmeal and Dried Cranberries Mickey Waffles with Butter and Maple Syrup Silver Dollar Sweet Potato Pancakes Kids' menu items for children ages 9 and younger. Look for the Disney Check icon on printed menus to find options that meet Disney's nutrition guidelines. Kids' Create-Your-Own Selections (choose two) Kids' Specialty Drink Specialty Character Drink Minute Maid Light Lemonade served in a souvenir Character Cup with a glowing Character Clip-on Light Wake-Up Calls St. Augustine Florida Cane Vodka and Bloody Mary mix garnished with Chorizo, Cheddar, and Olives Gruet Sparkling Wine and Orange Juice Red Wine and Fresh Seasonal Fruit The Wave's blend of Organic Coffee with Spirits and Flavors influenced by the Season Non-Alcoholic Beverages Raspberry Purée and Nonfat Yogurt blended with Odwalla Berries GoMega, an excellent source of Omega-3 Odwalla All-Natural Lemonade topped with a Wildberry Foam Alto Mayo Protected Forest Coffee Roasted by Joffrey's Coffee (Serves Two) Disney supports Conservation International's Alto Mayo Protected Forest project in Peru, which promotes sustainable coffee growing and economic growth Freshly Brewed Joffrey's Coffee Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte, or Freshly Brewed Coffee Joffreys Coffee Cold Brew Full-bodied French Roast or Joffrey's Shakin' Jamaican with hints of Caramel and Vanilla Twinings of London Assorted Specialty Teas Please ask your server for today's daily selection 2% Milk, 1% Chocolate, Skim, or Soy DASANI Bottled or Premium Sparkling Water Allergy-Friendly Offerings Allergy-Friendly menus available upon request About our allergy-friendly menu items: Guests may consult with a chef or special diets trained Cast Member before placing an order. We use reasonable efforts in our sourcing, preparation and handling procedures to avoid the introduction of the named allergens into allergy-friendly menu choices. While we take steps to prevent cross-contact, we do not have separate allergy-friendly kitchens and are unable to guarantee that a menu item is completely free of allergens. Allergy-friendly offerings are reliant on supplier ingredient labels. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of each food item. Allergen advisory statements (e. g. may contain" are not regulated and therefore not taken into consideration when developing allergy-friendly meals. It is ultimately our Guests' discretion to make an informed choice based upon their individual dietary needs. Menu items and prices are subject to change without notice. * Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. Our plant-based menu items are made without animal meal, dairy, eggs and honey.
I want to experience this in 3D. Falamansa. Saw it #FantasiaFest this year. And sorry, no Aphex Twin on the soundtrack. But still a great film. Falafel recept. 72 hour trial 1. 50 USD. 30 day sub 5 USD. We only offer 125+ USA channels nothing else. We value quality over quantity. We offer discord and ticket support. Signup Please no pm or chat requests Activation takes 1-12 hours. "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. Frank Zappa. Critics Consensus Well-acted and blessed with a refreshingly humanistic focus, The Wave is a disaster film that makes uncommonly smart use of disaster film clichés. 83% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 108 65% Audience Score User Ratings: 7, 288 The Wave (Bolgen) Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Wave (Bolgen) Photos Movie Info Nestled in Norway's Sunnmøre region, Geiranger is one of the most spectacular tourist draws on the planet. With the mountain Åkerneset overlooking the village - and constantly threatening to collapse into the fjord - it is also a place where cataclysm could strike at any moment. After putting in several years at Geiranger's warning center, geologist Kristian is moving on to a prestigious gig with an oil company. But the very day he's about to drive his family to their new life in the city, Kristian senses something isn't right. The substrata are shifting. No one wants to believe that this could be the big one, especially with tourist season at its peak, but when that mountain begins to crumble, every soul in Geiranger has ten minutes to get to high ground before a tsunami hits, consuming everything in its path. Rating: R (for some language and disaster images) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Mar 4, 2016 limited On Disc/Streaming: Jun 21, 2016 Box Office: 121, 475 Runtime: 104 minutes Cast News & Interviews for The Wave (Bolgen) Critic Reviews for The Wave (Bolgen) Audience Reviews for The Wave (Bolgen) The Wave (Bolgen) Quotes News & Features.
1, 750 views 2 faves 1 comment Uploaded on June 14, 2006 Some rights reserved.
Fala galera.
Falabella horse. The subreddit for law school admissions discussion. How to get into American and Canadian law schools. Help with law school personal statements, application requirements, and admissions chances. Falafel sandwich. Illustration: John Shakespeare Please no faux patriotism coupled with overt militarism this Australia Day. Let's simply acknowledge that we are blessed to live in this country. We should also take time to remember that for the indigenous people of our nation the arrival of the First Fleet was no certainly no cause for celebration. Greg Loder Springwood Is it too late to plead that those who will lead the National Anthem sing-song, or who will sing it at formal ceremonies on January 26, refrain from using those pseudo American-accented, rock music-like versions many of them seem to think are needed? Just belt it out the way a National Anthem is supposed to be sung: respect it, don't muck around with it. James Mahoney McKellar (ACT) The imposition that we all chortle the national anthem at midday is another piece of faux nationalism. And it doesn't consider the feelings of we curmudgeons who voted for Waltzing Matilda in 1977. Clearly, I have the other ADD — Anthem Disassociation Disorder. Roger Cameron Marrickville Sorry, you won't see me dropping everything I'm doing to sing the national anthem on Australia Day. I'm guessing nobody will be singing the second verse: For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share. I'm also guessing the people in detention centres who've sewed their lips together won't be singing. Margaret Hamilton Blackheath If Sir This and Dame That wish to sing our anthem on our day, good on them. Et tu, Aussie? Keith Russell Mayfield West Why must the celebration of Australia Day involve en masse singing of the national anthem and an "overt display of military muscle" Such jingoistic measures bring to mind Samuel Johnson's statement that "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. And I wonder whether we will be reminded to sing the second verse of the national anthem that highlights sharing our boundless plains with those who come across the sea? Probably not. Rob Phillips North Epping I will be singing the following words: Australians all let's shut the door, Put up the 'house full' sign. /Though rich we be, we're crying poor, With policies malign. /For those who come from o'er the seas, In leaky boats – beware! We'll lock you up in custody, In places hot and bare. /But bring in wealth and property, We're eager then to share. Chris Cunningham Armidale As Nearer My God to Thee was to the Titanic, so is this but one last-ditch clutch at another flag-draped straw in an effort to give solace to those of us who feel we are staring at the inevitable? Greg Pitty Wentworth Falls Amalgamation will not improve behaviour in council The call by your editorial on Friday to amalgamate councils as a panacea for the ills at Canterbury Council is wrong ( Canterbury Council circus proves need for change" January 16. A larger merged council in the Canterbury case would have made no difference to the behaviour by individuals or groups in the council. In fact by amalgamating and creating an even larger monolithic bureaucracy this action results in an increasingly more remote and isolated council from its ratepayers, making waste and inappropriate behaviour even harder to detect or prevent. Oft touted benefits of amalgamations are, like privatisation claims, illusory and short term, if any. In saying this, there are, however, cases where councils with a small geographical footprint would benefit from amalgamation. The key word in this tier of government is local. The problem lies in having long-serving senior management staff creating powerful fiefdoms while the people voted in by the ratepayers may only serve a single term of four years. Perhaps the answer lies in restricting the length of tenure of certain council positions. Santo Calabrese Cherrybrook Target wealth and corporate tax evaders to resolve budget deficit Once again the Government has been forced by popular opinion to reverse an ill thought out cost cutting measure ( Abbott takes his medicine" January 16. From the introduction of the budget onwards, we have seen unpopular and inequitable proposals rejected, reversed or tinkered at the edges. Surely it must be time for the Government to show some backbone and address the budget deficit problem properly. If the deficit is as bad as we are told (and this itself seems to be a moot point) then raising more revenue by increasing tax on those most able to afford it, or from companies currently avoiding paying it, rather than removing essential assistance from those that cannot afford to be without it, would seem to be the most logical and fair way to go about it. Alan Marel North Curl Curl Far from Tony Abbott taking his medicine, it appears that the new year is starting just as bad as the last one ended with the shelving of another rushed ill-conceived policy. For the record, it's not about more consultation, selling us the idea or millions of dollars in advertising – just come up with some reasonable and fair policies. Christopher Dauth Randwick Minister needs time to prove herself Yes, Sussan Ley should be given time to prove herself but two matters in her early statements give cause for concern ( Rookie minister listens, then soothes the pain" January 16. Firstly, in an ABC interview she was at pains to give the impression that the decision to terminate the health rebate policy was her own. Any observer of party politics and, in particular, the Abbott government would realise that this is utter balderdash. Secondly, in the same breath as she promised consultation before commitment, she declared that the 5 co-payment is still government policy. You can't have it both ways; either you consult over the whole health policy or it becomes just another smoke and mirrors offering. After all, the co-payment is where this whole sorry mess started. The question is, has Ley the strength to be a conciliatory and honest voice in this aggressive, ideologically-driven government? Or is she just another example of Tony Abbott's tricky tokenism to take the heat off him? Bert Candy Lemon Tree Passage At last a politician who sounds like a human being and can communicate. The appointment of Sussan Ley as the new health Minister was one of the better decisions made by the Coalition. Lorna Denham Cardiff Heights Fair go downs violence Irfan Yusuf writes, as an Australian lawyer, from a compassionate, informed perspective on violence ( Muslims should not have to keep apologising" January 16. He writes of the generation of "Muslims" born and brought up in Australia and their better understanding of the way to engage with media, politics and mainstream culture. And that statement reveals the subtle way that newcomers become 'Australian. I believe that, for the most part, the prized qualities of egalitarianism and the fair go, are still valued attributes in our culture and these seep into the bones of all who engage positively with society. Violence in all its guises should be condemned, not on the basis of race or belief, but on the basis of justice and mercy. Pam Connor Mollymook Beach Martin Place siege was religious thuggery Now that the Martin Place siege has been officially recognised as a terrorist event, the businesses around the area that were disrupted can claim compensation on that basis ( Siege deemed 'terrorism' for payouts" January 15. The decision and the word are wrong, and have wider ramifications. By labelling religious murderers as terrorists, we bestow a degree of status, even a warped rationale, on their actions. We allow the murderer to parade as a pious follower of their religion in the very act of abusing it, aligning their violence with a cause, rather than just the act of thuggery that it is. Whatever the religion or ethnic group, whatever the dubious cause to which they claim allegiance, be it a Caucasian Christian blowing up an abortion clinic, or a Middle-Eastern Muslim beheading a journalist, the murderer is no more than that. Unless terrorism is defined as anything that causes terror – in which case every act of violence qualifies – there is no basis for using the word to describe the Martin Place siege. The fact that it was a lone nutter, unaffiliated to any recognised group, reinforces the absurdity of elevating his deed to the level of someone fighting for something. Belief in a dogma doesn't give credibility to every act of outrage committed in its name. Andrew Dalton Annandale Maybe people need to stop judging the hostages at the Lindt cafe (Letters, January 16. None of us can guarantee how we would act/react in such a situation. Speculation is all well and good but experience a situation before condemning anyone else's actions. Linda Coffee Jindabyne World War II worse Yes, Ron Elphick, but you would also recall that World War II was a real war, in which tens of thousands of Australians died. How that can even start to be compared to the occasional horrible incident we're witnessing these days is beyond me. You have it quite back-to-front. We should be asking why, on the strength of such sporadic threats, we are collectively allowing our governments to impose such drastic restrictions on our freedom. Lloyd Swanton Wentworth Falls Boat people's plight Australia's imprisonment of boat people is a national disgrace ( Asylum seekers beg for their freedom" January 15. Manus Island is little different from a concentration camp, a place where people are permanently confined without hope. Many of those incarcerated are Hazaras from Afghanistan, a race believed related to Mongolians through Genghis Khan and his men. They are moderate Shites (not religious fanatics) who are persecuted by the Sunnis who surround them. More than 20, 000 Hazaras already live in Australia and from all reports they make outstanding citizens. Derek Hall Neutral Bay Dividing lines for cyclists, pedestrians No, Pauline Mullen (Letters, January 16) protecting both cyclists and walkers is not just as simple as drawing a line down the middle of the footpath. Take for example on Victoria Road at Rozelle where that has been done. Where there are bus shelters, the corridor for both cyclists and walkers narrows to one lane behind the bus shelters. Most cyclists come tearing down the footpath and it makes it very dangerous for pedestrians to get out of their way where the footpath has narrowed. Back to the drawing board. Veronica Wheeler Rozelle I doubt very much David Howe (Letters, January 16) that cyclists will adhere to any line marking on a footpath just as idiot pedestrians will still walk in diagonals while sending a text. Everyone simply needs to acknowledge that we all owe a duty of care to one another and we must also take some responsibility for our own safety. It's a simple concept but one which works. We don't need more rules, we don't need more legislation, we simply need some common courtesy. Matthew Luxford Wamberal Cocaine's devastation Bravo, Neal Vaughan ( Cocaine, the glitterati's drug of choice, still leaves a long trail of destruction, January 15. How extraordinary that the kinds of people who buy only free range eggs because they refuse to consume products that make chooks suffer, are almost self-congratulatory about using cocaine, which, apart from negative personal health consequences, causes whole South American communities and nations to suffer and funds international criminal cartels. Jennifer Katauskas Wahroonga Law for leaky homes Your article, Action urged on defects deadline" January 16) suggests that the changes to the Home Building Act are a win for developers but the ultimate winners are apartment owners. Apartment developers in NSW have found a continuing round of legal battles with body corporates that have poured millions of dollars into the legal profession with little impact on resolving building defects. All parties agreed there must be a better way and this involves changes to the Home Building Act and to the Strata Act. The changes to the definition of what used to be called structural to major defect is a fair definition that means that even a water leak into one room would be a major defect according to the government's website. Most defects can be picked up within two years and the development industry is happy to ensure this is done. What Sydney needs as we swing to more apartments is quality builders and developers working with consumers and less legal action. Chris Johnson CEO, Urban Taskforce, Sydney Political wriggle room Mike Baird is having a bit both ways ( No proposals to change lockout laws, Baird says" January 16. He has still left open the possibility of changes to lockout laws after the March state elections. This will satisfy big liquor lord political donors who will see this as an opportunity for an early review and is an attempt to placate community concerns, albeit unsuccessfully. Andrew Woodhouse President, Potts Point and Kings Cross Heritage Conservation Society Lee's generous spirit celebrates cricket Take a bow Brett Lee. How uplifting to read about your list of career highlights ( Binga pulls up stumps one last time" January 16. Brian Lara's Trinidad century and Andrew Flintoff at Edgbaston in 2005 were hardly scoreboard "successes. You show a generosity of spirit that celebrates cricket at its best. Made for misty-eyes for sentimentalists like me. You'd be one of few who get to go with best of wishes from around the world. Peter Walsh Newport Shelfie's first time No, Jim Dewar (Letters, January 16) that is not the first instance of the use of the word "shelfie. About August last year, the Children's Bookshop at Beecroft encouraged readers to send a shelfie: a photo of themselves with a shelf of their favourite books. As "selfie" was word of the year in the Macquarie Dictionary, I told the editor, Sue Butler about "shelfie" and she made a note. Margaret Hamilton Blackheath Door to door service With driverless vehicles (Letters, January 16) I wonder if you'll be able to just send the car with the kids to drop them off and pick them up later? The mind boggles with the possibilities. Robyn Williams Robertson Abbott becomes jaded On Thursday's news I saw Tony Abbott wearing a green tie for the first time since Julia Gillard's "men in blue ties" harangue. Obviously another policy backflip. Max McKinnon Forresters Beach Postscript When witnessing such violent and momentous acts as those that occurred in France last week, our letters inbox provides a ready reckoner of the issues thrown up in their wake. Any of the debates ignited could have consumed acres of shelf space in university libraries. As if that were not enough, letter writers took on the challenge of distilling arguments in, on average, 100 words. Among the topics were the status of freedom of speech in Australia, religious tolerance and whether respect for religious difference amounted to appeasing terrorism. Henry Mansson, of Bilgola, was not the only contributor to highlight the relatively light media coverage of concurrent extremist terrorism in Africa where the death toll is much higher. Many other comparisons were offered, such as what the Nazis did in Odessa, but any bid to measure whose lives are most valued in the news must take into account so many variables that it seems almost pointless. Comparisons of the merits of world faiths were also avoided, as were calls to publish Charlie Hebdo 's cartoons, since the Herald dealt with that question. In January 9's leader, this paper reserved the right to occupy its own editorial terrain, a journalistic version of French feminism's vive la difference. Meanwhile, the lockout measures for late night Kings Cross revellers are supported by readers while opinion appears divided on any bicycle registration plan. One story that provoked strong unanimity concerned the dining habits of Canterbury Council's general manager, Jim Montague. For those wanting to taste the carpaccio and oysters on offer at the restaurant in question, Il Buco, head to Enfield, not Enmore, as reported earlier this week. Catharine Munro Acting letters co-editor Most Viewed in National Loading.
Well, the first problem is, the standard cab is super hard to find. But also, the cost to improve it myself would be substantial. It would be 24 bucks for deck protector, 44 for a riser, 30-40 for a 12 in 1 PCB that has the game on it, and probably at least 40 for a GRS spinner that actually free spins. So thats an extra 150 to get it to decent status, and 350 seems pretty high for a Wave 1. And I would still be stuck with annoying wave 1 issues like much too loud volume that would be fixed in a re-release. So it doesnt seem worth it to try to hunt down an original with all these costs and issues still to be solved, when a re-release could be just four months away. The one thing that might change my mind is if I knew the spinner wasnt going to be a cost. If I get one that doesnt free spin, will A1Up support authorize a free replacement.
Level 1 I wish I could see it in its current condition inside the shipwreck! I always was intrigued and a little uncomfortable at the same time seeing pictures of old sunken WW2 transport boats with Trucks and tanks and jeeps still strapped down and forever entombed in a rusty watery grave. level 2 You and me both, man! As far as I know, though, of the countless scuba divers who have gone down to and in the wreck, I don't think any have made it into the cargo hold. level 2 1960 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible 9 points 1 day ago The ship capsized as it sank as well so depending on how well the cargo was secured it is likely the car got smashed up in the process. level 1 This is really interesting. level 2 The bucket seats in the rear and the roofline down into the quarters, Im seeing a lot of the 65-67 Charger level 2 That thing is gorgeous. I wish they'd put it into production. level 1 Sea water eventually eats sheet metal... level 1 Reminds me of the Rambler/AMC Marlin! level 1 In 30 years as a car nut, I never heard this before. Great post! level 2 The wreck is located about 50 miles off the coast of Nantucket Island in Massachusetts, in about 200-250 feet of water. If you're asking about her exact location: Latitude: 40 29' 30. 0012" N Longitude: 69 50' 60" W level 2 Because it was being shipped from Turin, Italy to New York City for the 1957 Chrysler Auto Show, since even though it was an American car, it was built by the Italian coach-building firm Carrozzeria Ghia. It missed it's original ship, and the Andrea Doria was the next boat out, fatefully. level 1 Jay Leno, or one of those shouty fake car garage shows needs to spend some money investigating the possibility of raising her. level 2 That's actually a Flucking heck of an idea! Everyone who sees this, if you have a Twitter, tweet about this to Jay Leno or whoever you can and see if they'll do This! If not, try messaging them however you can! Let's all try and make sure if there's anything left of her to save, she is saved from her watery grave! A place to discuss and/or post pictures of *classic cars. trucks* or *bikes* including hot rods, car shows and auto museums. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
41 Crossposted by 2 days ago Season Four • Posted by 2 days ago 🔥 Power and Beauty of the Pacific Ocean 3. 3k points 46 comments 3 comments 95% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by View discussions in 2 other communities level 1 3 points 2 days ago I want this said at my funeral level 1 2 points 2 days ago OK, I'm bawling again. That thought was so beautiful. level 1 1 point 1 day ago olaf feelings More posts from the TheGoodPlace community Continue browsing in r/TheGoodPlace r/TheGoodPlace The Good Place airs Thurs @ 8:30 PM on NBC. The series will return on January 9th. 132k cockroaches 1. 5k creeping in their own filth Created May 11, 2016 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
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Level 2 No, they actually aren't due out until March. But Entertainment Earth was shipping out early. They did the same thing with Wave 3. So, alot of fans including myself got theirs way too early. level 1 The. on jacks helmet is too big. level 2 Actually no it isn't. His figure is the only one that allows for the Neck to be show. This subreddit is for Discussion/fan-art/all other things related to Power Rangers. Enjoy, and may the power protect you. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
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